Error executing two procedures in Codeigniter


The problem is that in a controller I try to execute the two procedures I skip this error:


A Database Occurred Error


Error Number: 2014


Commands out of sync: you can not run this command now


CALL charges ();


Filename: models / Model_employees.php


Line Number: 56

My controller:

public function consulta(){

The model:

public function consultar($dato){
    $con=$this->db->query("CALL consulta_empleado('$dato',@id,@nom,@ap,@am,@calle,@colonia,@localidad,@estado,@n_int,@n_ext,@cp,@tel,@email,@horario,@cargo);");
    return $con->result();
public function cargos(){
    $query=$this->db->query("CALL cargos();");
    return $query->result();
asked by Emmanuel 10.08.2017 в 04:21

1 answer


I will leave this solution here maybe it will help someone. If you are using codeigniter 3, put this code in the following path /system/database/drivers/mysqli/mysqli_driver.php

function free_db_resource()
        if($l_result = mysqli_store_result($this->conn_id))
    while(mysqli_more_results($this->conn_id)  && mysqli_next_result($this->conn_id));

then after each call you use the following code:

$ this- > db- > free_db_resource ();

answered by 07.09.2017 в 19:18