I'm having a very bad problem with a site on Django, running on apache on a windows 7 32 bit.
The site always runs on localhost via chrome in kiosk mode but has internet connection via wifi.
The problem is that, the pages have buttons which have the associated event onclick="window.location.href = '{% url" name_url "%}'" which work correctly, when the user clicks redirects to the right page, but for some reason they stop working.
The buttons also have a jquery associated when they are clicked that disables them and shows a loading style gif. Whenever you "check" the site is showing the loading image with the buttons disabled.
Check the apache and site logs but there is no error, it is as if chrome suddenly does not make the request to the web server.
I already tried to configure the chrome so that it does not use proxy, disable ipv6 (there were some errors in the windows event log) but nothing solves it. The strangest thing is that the same PC where the site is installed works correctly and the error only occurs when you connect to a wifi but we can not find what problem may be causing it.
Any ideas that could be wrong or what else could you verify to reproduce and avoid this problem?
Thanks !!!