Select item in DropDownList - MVC


I have problems to recover the information already loaded in a DropDownList

I have a view with a foreach of the model

    @foreach (sfi_1.Models.SFI_IncentivoDet itemInc in incentivos)

I have a DropDownList

    @Html.DropDownListFor(s=> s.Tipo_Incentivo, listaTiposIncentivos, itemInc.Tipo_Incentivo, htmlAttributes: new { @class = "form-control", @disabled = "disabled" })

I charge it from the database with a list that has:

    Text = c.Descrip_Atributo.ToString(),
    Value = c.ID_Atributo.ToString()

The problem I have is that if I do not put the parameter "itemInc.Type_Incentivo" does not show me the value of the foreach item, if I put it, it shows me the code and I need the description.

asked by Valentina Oppen 08.08.2017 в 17:23

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