Pass variable $ _GET from Ajax to the controller


I have this function:

public function GestorGaleriaOperadorCafe(){

     echo $respuesta;


With that function I receive data by ajax, I pass the data to the controller , if I try to receive the variable directly by the controller, it does not work for me

public function mostrarImagenOfertasController($datos,$id){



        echo $respuesta['ruta'];

asked by jorgnv 28.08.2017 в 19:33

2 answers


If you are not using any route interceptor and / or framework, the only way to receive the parameters of a requisition in php is through $ _GET []. Do you use any framework?

answered by 28.08.2017 в 19:39

so I see the variables $id and $ruta are local to the function, I think you need to use the $this




Do not forget to create the global variables

answered by 28.08.2017 в 19:47