Knowing if a .dialog window is open


I have this code that opens jqueryui dialog windows on the page.

function Ventanica(url,titulo,ancho,alto) { //configuro la ventanica
    if ($("#"+titulo).dialog('isOpen') === true) { $("#"+titulo).dialog("moveToTop") } else { //si la ventanuca ya esta abierta.
    $("<div id='"+titulo+"' class='loaderchachi'><div id='loader'>&nbsp;</div></div>").dialog({ "title" : titulo , "width" : ancho , "height" : alto ,close : function(){ $(this).dialog("destroy"); $('.Li'+titulo).attr("onclick", "Ventanica('"+url+"','"+titulo+"','"+ancho+"','"+alto+"');"); $("#dock"+titulo).removeClass("active").addClass("cerrado"); } })
    "autoOpen": false, "closable" : true, "maximizable" : true, "minimizable" : true, "collapsable" : false, "dblclick" : "maximize", "titlebar" : "transparent", "minimizeLocation" : "right",
    "icons" : {
        "close" : "ui-icon-close",
        "maximize" : "ui-icon-plus",
        "minimize" : "ui-icon-minus",
        "restore" : "ui-icon-bullet"
    "load" : function(){
        $("#loader").html('<div class="loader-container"><div class="spinchachi"></div></div>');
        $("#"+titulo).load("/Paginas/"+url, function(response, status, xhr) { $("#loader").html('');
        if ( status == "error" ) { var msg = "Ocurrio un error al cargar contenido remoto: "; $().toastmessage('showToast', { text : msg + xhr.status + " " + xhr.statusText , sticky : false, type : 'alert' }); }
        $('.Li'+titulo).attr("onclick", '$("#'+titulo+'").dialog("moveToTop");');
    "beforeMaximize" : function(evt) { EfectosmenuA(); $('#micromenusuario').css('top', 40); $('.Li'+titulo).attr("onclick", '$("#'+titulo+'").dialogExtend("restore");'); $("#dock"+titulo).removeClass("abierto").addClass("active"); },
    "beforeRestore" : function(evt){ EfectosmenuC(); $('#micromenusuario').css('top', 10); $("#dock"+titulo).removeClass("abierto").addClass("active"); },
    "beforeMinimize" : function(evt) { $("#dock"+titulo).removeClass("active").addClass("abierto"); },
 } //cierro la condición de si es ventana nueva o primer plano

The fact is that I want to check if it is already open and if what I do is bring it to the forefront. in principle with:

if ($("#"+titulo).dialog('isOpen') === true) { $("#"+titulo).dialog("moveToTop") } else { //si la ventanuca ya esta abierta.

I check it and it works. but I need you to load the new content of the window. I think what loads content is inside the "Load"

"load" : function(){
        $("#loader").html('<div class="loader-container"><div class="spinchachi"></div></div>');
        $("#"+titulo).load("/Paginas/"+url, function(response, status, xhr) { $("#loader").html('');
        if ( status == "error" ) { var msg = "Ocurrio un error al cargar contenido remoto: "; $().toastmessage('showToast', { text : msg + xhr.status + " " + xhr.statusText , sticky : false, type : 'alert' }); }
        $('.Li'+titulo).attr("onclick", '$("#'+titulo+'").dialog("moveToTop");');

The fact is that the condition of if it is open is not very clear syntax and where to put the key lock to run instead of opening a new window, take it to the foreground and load the new content . at the moment I have placed it just before the closing of the function and it takes it to the foreground, but of course it does not load anything.

Where would I have to put that key lock so that instead of opening it will take it to the foreground and continue executing the load?

I tried to put it just before "dialogExtended" but it gives me a syntax error that says I'm missing one. but I do not know where: _ (

I have tried to see if the failure was because in $("#"+titulo).dialog("moveToTop") before was closed with; but nothing, gives the same failure.

What can I be doing wrong?

asked by Killpe 28.08.2017 в 20:50

1 answer


In the end I resolved it like this:

function Ventanica(url,titulo,ancho,alto) { //configuro la ventanica
    if ($("#"+titulo).dialog('isOpen') === true) { 
        $("#loader").html('<div class="loader-container"><div class="spinchachi"></div></div>');
        $("#"+titulo).load("/Paginas/"+url, function(response, status, xhr) { $("#loader").html('');
        if ( status == "error" ) { var msg = "Ocurrio un error al cargar contenido remoto: "; $().toastmessage('showToast', { text : msg + xhr.status + " " + xhr.statusText , sticky : false, type : 'alert' }); }
    } else { //si la ventanuca ya esta abierta. 
    $("<div id='"+titulo+"' class='loaderchachi'><div id='loader'>&nbsp;</div></div>").dialog({ "title" : titulo , "width" : ancho , "height" : alto ,close : function(){ $(this).dialog("destroy"); $('.Li'+titulo).attr("onclick", "Ventanica('"+url+"','"+titulo+"','"+ancho+"','"+alto+"');"); $("#dock"+titulo).removeClass("active").addClass("cerrado"); } })
    "autoOpen": false, "closable" : true, "maximizable" : true, "minimizable" : true, "collapsable" : false, "dblclick" : "maximize", "titlebar" : "transparent", "minimizeLocation" : "right",
    "icons" : {
        "close" : "ui-icon-close",
        "maximize" : "ui-icon-plus",
        "minimize" : "ui-icon-minus",
        "restore" : "ui-icon-bullet"
    "load" : function(){
        $("#loader").html('<div class="loader-container"><div class="spinchachi"></div></div>');
        $("#"+titulo).load("/Paginas/"+url, function(response, status, xhr) { $("#loader").html('');
        if ( status == "error" ) { var msg = "Ocurrio un error al cargar contenido remoto: "; $().toastmessage('showToast', { text : msg + xhr.status + " " + xhr.statusText , sticky : false, type : 'alert' }); }
        $('.Li'+titulo).attr("onclick", '$("#'+titulo+'").dialog("moveToTop");');
    "beforeMaximize" : function(evt) { EfectosmenuA(); $('#micromenusuario').css('top', 40); $('.Li'+titulo).attr("onclick", '$("#'+titulo+'").dialogExtend("restore");'); $("#dock"+titulo).removeClass("abierto").addClass("active"); },
    "beforeRestore" : function(evt){ EfectosmenuC(); $('#micromenusuario').css('top', 10); $("#dock"+titulo).removeClass("abierto").addClass("active"); },
    "beforeMinimize" : function(evt) { $("#dock"+titulo).removeClass("active").addClass("abierto"); },
    } //cierro el else de si esta abierto o no

I do not know if it's the most elegant way, but it works. I leave it published in case someone answers the question or if a more elegant way to solve it occurs.

answered by 29.08.2017 / 10:05