Error 400 AJAX in Rails


Good community. I present a problem in Rails with a route that I specify by means of AJAX which gives me an error of 400 Bad Request .

This is my way:

ruta archivo:app/views/admin/orders/_form.html.haml
            = link_to admin_orders_path, class: "btn-floating btn-flat tooltipped", "data-position" => "bottom", "data-tooltip" => t("keppler.actions.back") do
                = material_icon.md_18.arrow_back.css_class("md-dark")
                    = simple_form_for [:admin, @order] do |f|
                            = f.input :name_pro, collection: @projects, label_method: :name, value_method: :id, label: "Seleccionar Proyecto", include_blank: true
                            -# = f.input :name_pro
                            -# = f.input :item_pro
                                = f.button :submit, t(""), name: '_save'
                                = f.button :submit, t("keppler.actions.save_and_add_another"), name: '_add_other'


      $(document).ready(function() {
        $('#order_name_pro').on('change', function() {
               url: "<%= items_options_path %>",
               type: "POST",
               data: { project_id: $(this).val() }

And I leave the link of the code complete.

asked by Leonard J. Ávila S. 24.08.2017 в 04:03

1 answer


The error is because you are mixing erb with haml in the javascript of your form, specifically in this line:

url: "<%= items_options_path %>",

The <%= ... %> notation is erb , but since you are using haml it marks you an error; to fix it, change the line by haml notation:

url: "#{items_options_path}",
answered by 24.08.2017 / 16:40