Good afternoon, my query is the following one I have a bean that initializes me in its method three lists.
public void inicializarBean() {
ordenTrabajoRemisionList = ordentrabajoRemisionFacade.findAll();
ordenTrabajoList = ordentrabajoFacade.findAll();
tipoRemisionList = tipoRemisionFacade.findAll();
tipoRemisionSeleccionada = new TipoRemision();
ordentrabajoRemision = new OrdentrabajoRemision();
productoRemision = new ProductoRemision();
materialRemision = new MaterialRemision();
ordentrabajo = new Ordentrabajo();
fechaActual = Calendar.getInstance().getTime();
these lists are shown in a datatable and filtered by any column, the question is how to initialize the list without throwing all the records in the datatable if you can not filter them in the ID column and ask me the query specify and throw me a single row.