I am developing a Java Web application in which I have to make some tasks run every certain time, one of them is to calculate a few hours of a loan made (which is stored in database), if this loan already has the number of hours elapsed since its creation, a task must be done such as inserting data in another table, notifying the user, etc.
This is the first time I have to do something like this on Java Web and since I have no idea for it (or at least it is optimal and safe), I know that there is the Timer and TimerTask
I tried the following:
public class LoanBean{
Timer timer;
public LoanBean() {
public void checkLoans() {
timer = new Timer();
TimerTask task = new TimerTask() {
public void run() {
System.out.println("Tarea ejecutándose");
timer.schedule(task, 10, 1000);
It seems to work well in that from time to time the task is executed but only when interacting with this EJB, the idea is to run it when the application is mounted on the application server because if the task is restarted and it does not run until you return to interact with this EJB (open the page in the web browser), in this case I use Oracle WebLogic as an application server