The GUI events are treated in the Thread of "Event Dispatch", which is also responsible for repainting the screen. Here is more information (in English, of course).
In other words, while the code associated with the event is being processed, the screen will not be refreshed. It refreshes once you have left, but obviously with the value "" in TextArea
This is what happens when, for example, you try to execute a logic that takes a long time and the GUI is "frozen".
The solution is, both in your case and in the case of frozen GUI, to launch the logic in a separate thread. There may be better forms ( ExecutorService
and similar), but the fastest is:
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
Thread thread = new Thread() {
public void run() {
NombreSuperClase.this.pantalla.setText("Usted borrará la pantalla en 3 segundos!!");
Date hora = new Date();
while(System.currentTimeMillis() < (hora.getTime() + 3000)){
synchronized(this) { //Evitar bucles vacíos!!!
if (pantalla.getText().equals(new String("Usted borrará la pantalla en 3 segundos!!"))){
System.out.print("thread lanzado");
By the way, I insist again that empty loops are very bad thing ... better to put wait
in the middle, even if they are brief, so that they do not saturate the CPU (there is not much problem for a thread in an infinite loop , but if you do things wrong you'll end up doing it badly always and with 200 threads eating the processor).