To execute the method when the length of the text is greater than 7 this is correct, but remember that spaces can add a longer length, use trim () to remove spaces at the ends of the text:
if (txtcodigo.getText().trim().length()>7) { // mayor que 7
For example, this String has a length of 8:
String s = "Dexen14 ";
int slength = s.length();
If we apply the method trim () , would have a length of 7, which is the expected value without counting the space:
String s = "Dexen14 ";
int slength = s.trim().length();
Update : the user types "17234752" and wishes that when the last digit is typed, the validation is activated, however this will activate a character later since it is calling the method KeyTyped()
You must use the method keyReleased () so that writing the character and releasing the key was called validation.
public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) {
if (txtcodigo.getText().trim().length()>7) {
keyReleased ( ) Invoked when a key has been released.