I can make an associative array with keys but without values to fill them after in PHP


something like that is the goal


in order to fill with values in subsequent operations. How can I do this properly? Thanks.

asked by gabo luna 30.06.2017 в 04:02

2 answers


To complement the answer of Federico Saenz that is correct, I will detail a little about the use of arrangements.

First of all, depending on the version of PHP you are using, you can define an arrangement like this:

$arreglo = array('patron'=>,'usuario'=>);

or so from PHP 5.4

$arreglo = ['patron'=>,'usuario'=>];

Now once you have defined you can check the value of the keys created

var_dump($arreglo['patron']) //Retorna NULL
var_dump($arreglo['usuario']) //Retorna NULL

You can also modify the value assigned to the keys

$arreglo['patron'] = 666;
$arreglo['usuario'] = 'NekoOS';

I have even added more associations

$arreglo['nuevo'] = 'dato insertado previamente';

You could print the entire arrangement on the screen

Tendrías un resultado así:

        [patron] => 666
        [usuario] => NekoOS
        [nuevo] => dato insertado previamente

You can find more information about the use of arrangements and functions to operate with fixes in the official PHP page, here you have two links that could be useful:

answered by 30.06.2017 / 04:27

Yes, you can. But remember to put the quotes to the keys so that they are of the string type.

$prueba = array('patron'=>'','usuario'=>'');


answered by 30.06.2017 в 04:06