How to send a procedure stored in the controller in ASP.NET MVC and Entity framework


I have this code in my controller and my stored procedures are already mapped. I access the database through Entity framework and the edmx is defined. I would like to know what the code is like to send (use) my stored procedure to create a new record.

public class pruebacontroller:controller
 private pruebaxEntities db=new pruebaxEntities();

public Action Result Index()


return View(db.spmotrartabla().ToList());//Me muestra la tabla a través de un procedimiento almacenado  y ya cree su vista


//Quiero saber que código va en esta parte para mandar llamar el procedimiento almacenado para crear

public Action Result Create()
  return View();

public ActionResult Create (FormCollection collection)

  return RedirectToAction("Index")


   return View();
asked by senseilex 22.06.2017 в 18:32

1 answer


You have to create an ObjectParameter that will return the output parameters, the input parameters should be in the order as you defined it in your Stored Procedure.

ObjectParameter parametroOut1 = new ObjectParameter("NombreParametro", typeof(String));
db.NombredelProcedimiento(valor1,valor2,valor3, parametroOut1);
answered by 22.06.2017 / 19:08