ZIP file by byte [] in PHP


I want to send a zip file to a web service SOAP, to put it in the xml they ask me to transform it into an array of bytes. I have tried several things but, apparently, they do not work. In visual basic it can be like this:

Dim B() As Byte = IO.File.ReadAllBytes("")

In PHP there will be something similar?

asked by César Ravl Nolasco Huamanchumo 13.06.2017 в 01:10

2 answers


Generally a PHP String is compatible with an array byte in .NET.

$byteArr = file_get_contents('');

And you can send the variable byteArr to the web service although depending on the Web Service specification you probably have to code it before with Base64.

answered by 13.06.2017 в 01:39

Well, I managed to find out that this code in VB.NET

Dim b() As Byte
b = IO.File.ReadAllBytes("")

It is equivalent in PHP to

$handle = fopen("", "rb");
$contents = fread($handle, filesize(""));
$b= unpack("C*",$contents);

Thank you all for answering.

answered by 13.06.2017 в 02:07