I want to install version 4.9 or higher of g ++. The problem that I have found is that to invoke it I need to type g ++ - 4.9. Is there any way to install and / or configure this version of g ++ to invoke it the way I want?
I want to install version 4.9 or higher of g ++. The problem that I have found is that to invoke it I need to type g ++ - 4.9. Is there any way to install and / or configure this version of g ++ to invoke it the way I want?
I could already solve it. I just had to change the symbolic g ++ link located in / usr / bin pointing to / usr / bin / g ++ - 4.8.5.
The first step is to delete the link with 'sudo rm / usr / bin / g ++' (without quotes).
The second step is to create another symbolic link with the same name but pointing to the /usr/bin/g++-4.9 folder like this: 'sudo ln -s /usr/bin/g++-4.9/ usr / bin / g ++'