structure an array to store the url addresses so that it would be more dynamic when it comes to fetching the urls
As before I had it
'name' => 'inicio',
'url' => 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/emprende/admin/index.php/inicio',
'icon' => 'gi gi-home'
My arrangement
"'name' => " . "'".$pant["pantallas"][0]->nombre_pantalla."',".
"'url' => " . "'http://" . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . "".$pant["pantallas"][0]->url."'".",".
"'icon' => " . "'".$pant["pantallas"][0]->icono."'".
and that's how it's shown
array ('name' = > 'Guests',' url '= >' link ',' icon '= >' fa fa-user ')
According to me it is practically the same thing but the bad thing is that it does not pull me the url and only sends me the following error