The error is within this scheme that is what I use for the articles:
echo "<url>\n";
echo "<loc>\noticia/" . $articulo['ID'] . "/" . limpia_url($articulo['titulo']) . "/</loc>\n";
echo "<news:news>\n";
echo "<news:publication>\n";
echo "<news:name>LaXtore<\news:name>\n";
echo "<news:language>es<\news:language>\n";
echo "<\news:publication>\n";
echo "<news:genres>Tecnología, Xbox One, videojuegos, videogames<\news:genres>\n";
echo "<news:publication_date>" . substr($articulo['fecha_publicacion'],0,10) . "<\news:publication_date>\n";
echo "<news:title>" . $articulo['titulo'] . "<\news:title>\n";
echo "<news:keywords>" . str_replace(",", ";",$articulo['etiquetas']) . "<\news:keywords>\n";
echo "<\news:news>\n";
echo "</url>\n";
Specifically, it tells me the following:
error on line 46 at column 20: StartTag: invalid element name
that corresponds with this line:
echo "<news:name>LaXtore<\news:name>\n";