Error with a Chat in a Modal preserves the previous queries


Before Hello

I have this code for a chat and what happens is that every time I open a new chat retains the previous ones I have already searched for the error but I do not see it if there is someone who can see help.


<a data-toggle="modal" data-target="#view-modal" data-id="11" id="getUser" class="chat__friend" info="This is some information for our tooltip.">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>


        <div id="view-modal" class="modal_fade" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="myModalLabel" aria-hidden="true" style="display: none;">
             <div class="modal-dialog"> 
                  <div class="modal-content"> 

                      <button type="button" class="close_modal_chat" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">×</button> 

                       <div class="modal-body"> 

                           <div id="modal-loader"  >
                            <img class="img_modal" src="./img/loading_data.gif"><br>
                            <button type="button" class="btn_modal" data-dismiss="modal">Close</button>  

                           <!-- content will be load here -->                          
                           <div id="dynamic-content"></div>

       </div><!-- /.modal -->    



    $(document).on('click', '#getUser', function(e){


        var uid = $(this).data('id');   // it will get id of clicked row

        $('#dynamic-content').html(''); // leave it blank before ajax call
        $('#modal-loader').show();      // load ajax loader

            url: 'http://localhost/new/chat_user.php',
            type: 'POST',
            data: 'id='+uid,
            dataType: 'html'
            $('#dynamic-content').html(data); // load response 
            $('#modal-loader').hide();        // hide ajax loader   
            $('#dynamic-content').html('<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-info-sign"></i> Something went wrong, Please try again...');






    require_once 'conectarbd.php';
    require ("function.php");
      $output = '';  
      $query = "SELECT * FROM user WHERE userID='".$_POST["id"]."'";  
      $result = mysql_query($query);  
      while($data = mysql_fetch_array($result))  
            $user_id = $data['userID'];

           $output = '  
            <div class="all_content_chat">                  
                <div class="wall_messages_content_user">

                    <div class="name_user_post_modal"> 
                        <img class="modal_img" src="./img/avatar_default.png" alt="">   
                            <p class="friend__name">'.$user_id.'</p>  

                    <div class="wall_messages_content_chat" id="messages_private_chat"></div>

                <div class="wall_messages_user_text">
                    <div class="messages_chat_box">
                        <input class="input_messages_chat_user" id="messages" type="text" placeholder="Type Message Hit Enter"></input>
                        <a class="message__send" onclick=""></a>

      echo $output;  
 // '.get_emoticons_messages().'

    <!-- **Javascript jquery, ajax Of chat** -->
    <script type="text/javascript">

    ////////////////// scroll a messages new 

                var out, isScrolledToBottom;

                out = document.getElementById("messages_private_chat"); // outer container of messages

                // initial load of chat                     ////**Chat post id
                $('#messages_private_chat').load("messages_private_load.php?id=<?php echo $user_id; ?>", function() {
                  out = document.getElementById("messages_private_chat"); // re-reference after a jQuery .load() as it removes the original dom element and add a new one

                // check for chatter every second
                setInterval(function() {

                    isScrolledToBottom = checkIfScrolledBottom();

                    $('#messages_private_chat').load("messages_private_load.php?id=<?php echo $user_id; ?>", function() {
                      out = document.getElementById("messages_private_chat"); // re-reference after a jQuery .load() as it removes the original dom element and add a new one


                function checkIfScrolledBottom() {
                    // allow for 1px inaccuracy by adding 1
                    return out.scrollHeight - out.clientHeight <= out.scrollTop + 1;

                function scrollToBottom(scrollDown) {
                    if (scrollDown)
                    out.scrollTop = out.scrollHeight - out.clientHeight;
                //setTimeout(function() { $("#chat-feed").scrollTop($("#chat-feed")[0].scrollHeight);}, 1200);


asked by Shareiv 06.06.2017 в 20:10

0 answers