Error 1040 too many connection mysql / php


I have an error 1040 too many connection . I have seen that this can be solved by increasing the variable max_connection , but this variable can not be increased, the value of this variable is 101 which alternative I can use to solve this error

My code for the connection to the database is as follows

$conexion = new mysqli("localhost", "root", "", "grupomv");
if($conexion->connect_errno) {
die ("Fallo al conectar a la BD: " . $conexion->connect_errno . "---" . $conexion->connect_error);
return $conexion;

And this is my code that makes the query to the database

           $stmt = $conexion->prepare("select * from bio, caract where caract.IDBio=bio.IDBio and idprod=? LIMIT 1");
           $stmt->bind_param("i", $prod);               

             // muestro los resultados


Do I have a problem with the code?

Update These are the values that have the variables of the mysql, these variables I can not modify it since the hosting does not allow it

max_user_connections = 35 max_connections = 101

asked by Xiaron 06.06.2017 в 15:57

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