How to return to the previous view Objective-C [closed]


How can I go back to the previous view but when I come back? example with arrows and dots:

I'm here º

and I'm back with [_controladorSuite.controladorDeNavegacion popToRootViewControllerAnimated:NO];

as I return from where I return XD

---- > or


asked by JCTimmypage 30.05.2017 в 20:00

1 answer


You should use letters or numbers ...

--- > A

A < - B

A - > B

In any case, once you pop B, you can not go back to B again. You will need to create a new instance of B and push.

Also, if what you want (in a < - B) is to go back to the immediately previous controller, you should use popViewController instead of popToRootViewController .

In this case, it coincides that your rootViewController is also the one immediately before B, but this could happen to you:

A - B - C popToRootViewController : A < - C (only A) popViewController : A - B < - C (would be B and behind would still be A)

answered by 31.05.2017 / 09:32