I'm new to Web Services.
I have the following WebService
I need to get the quote of the currency for the current day but I can not get any data.
I'm trying to do it in C #, add the reference to the Web Service but I can not get the data.
The input parameter is a type of structured data called wsbcucotizacionesin which contains:
Moneda[Item] - Numerico(4)
FechaDesde - Date
FechaHasta - Date
Grupo - Numerico(2)
Then I have the output parameter which is a type of structured data called wsbcucotizacionesout which contains:
answerstatus - is a type of structured data where it throws the error codes datacotizaciones - type of structured data where it contains information of the currency that you consult (Date, Currency, Name, ....)
I made a Form where I have a txt to put the coin and a button to send the call, but I'm not getting anything and I do not know how it is done.
I did inside my button:
WebReference1.wsbcucotizacionesin test = new WebReference1.wsbcucotizacionesin();
test.FechaDesde = fecha.ToString();
They can give me a hand on how it should be done or go to find out how I get the data I want from the Web Service.