Problem with django-bootstrap3


I have installed Django 1.11 and django-bootstrap3 in version 8.2.3 by pip. I'm making a simple application that carries a form. Reviewing the online documentation I saw that the configuration of Bootstrap 3 must be added in the as follows:


    'jquery_url': '//',
    'base_url': '//',
    'css_url': None,
    'theme_url': None,
    'javascript_url': None,
    'javascript_in_head': False,
    'include_jquery': False,
    'horizontal_label_class': 'col-md-3',
    'horizontal_field_class': 'col-md-9',
    'set_required': True,
    'set_disabled': False,
    'set_placeholder': True,
    'required_css_class': '',
    'error_css_class': 'has-error',
    'success_css_class': 'has-success',
        'default': 'bootstrap3.renderers.FormsetRenderer',
    'form_renderers': {
        'default': 'bootstrap3.renderers.FormRenderer',
    'field_renderers': {
        'default': 'bootstrap3.renderers.FieldRenderer',
        'inline': 'bootstrap3.renderers.InlineFieldRenderer',

But when I work offline, my application does not load CSS or JavaScript because my configuration is pointing to this site:

'base_url': '//',

I have the Bootstrap installed on this route of my computer:


As you can see I am using a virtual environment.

My question is: How do I configure the to have my application load the local bootstrap3 instead of loading it from the Internet?

Thanks in advance.

asked by Ethan 25.05.2017 в 20:53

1 answer


I think the solution in Django is in the static files, in the end the bootstrap files must be available in the web server, for this we must give a url can resolve.

Check out this documentation link

answered by 26.05.2017 в 08:56