I have a set of countries in which I observe the suicide rate over time. I want to get the average of suicide rates by country. I have tried to use this code, and for that, as there are lost values, I have also included na.rm, but it gives me the results, as I could do
Suicide.avg.per.country <- suicidedata %>% group_by(country_name) %>% summarise(AVG_SUICIDE = mean(suicidedata$suicidetotal), na.rm=T)
A tibble: 22 × 3
country_name AVG_SUICIDE na.rm
<chr> <lgl> <lgl>
2 Armenia NA TRUE
3 Azerbaijan NA TRUE
4 Belarus NA TRUE
5 Bulgaria NA TRUE
6 Czech Republic NA TRUE
7 Estonia NA TRUE
8 Georgia NA TRUE
9 Hungary NA TRUE
10 Kazakhstan NA TRUE
# ... with 12 more rows
I have tried however with tapply and I get the results
tapply(suicidedata$suicidetotal, suicidedata$country_name, mean, na.rm=TRUE)
MKD* Armenia Azerbaijan
4.996500 2.861031 1.767627
Belarus Bulgaria Czech Republic
46.165000 11.471000 16.550500
Estonia Georgia Hungary
38.774500 3.543044 30.316000
Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Latvia
40.884500 17.784500 41.274500
Lithuania Poland Republic of Moldova
59.663500 21.236111 25.288500
Romania Russian Federation Slovakia
15.783500 48.499000 17.968889
Slovenia Tajikistan Ukraine
26.684500 4.652000 34.449500
Thanks in advance Antonio