Why does my view change with the "v-bind: href=" "" go blank?


I'm making a change of view using vue.js and ruby on rails, at the moment of making the change it only makes the jump of sight but it does not load the view this is the code so that they give an idea:


get 'programas/:slug/videos/:slug' => "programs#index"


<div v-for="video in videos_p">
        <a v-bind:href="'/programas/' + video.program.slug + '/videos/' + video.slug"><img v-bind:src="video.image_url" alt=""></a>
        <h3 class="post_title"> </h3>
        <a href="#">{{video.name}}</a>

is the view as the flame:

and if you refresh your eyes if you recharge:

any idea that he may be making this kind of error ????

asked by JULIO MACHAN 09.06.2017 в 17:46

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