Good guys and girls, I want to print a certificate for a forum that is dictated where I study and research found the PHP GD library, I saw some tutorials and then the truth was "izi" I've been all day in this xx and I do not find the error first, I did not even have an image, I thought it was the resolution of the image, I changed it, I played with it, in the end I managed to show the image, but the main function that is to put the text on it is missing. A
Here I leave the code
//Set the Content Type
header("content-type: image/jpeg");
$image = ImageCreateFromJPEG('certificado.jpg');
$black = imagecolorallocate($image, 0, 0, 0);
$fuente = "ARIALMT.ttf";
$text = "Carlos";
imagettftext($image, 500, 0, 1739, 1499, $black, $fuente, $text);
$filename = "certificadoout.jpg";
There are some people who print the image with an img tag and remove the header, but the truth is that it's the same, I get the image shown but the text does not come out on it: / please, help D: