I'm trying to get the values of a listview that has an edittext for the user to place the values and I get them when I save the information. This I got; the problem is that I use listview.getchildat (i) and I can only get the children that are visible on the screen, but sometimes they are more than 50 children and I can not get more than the visible 8, I would like see if there is any way to get the values not visible. This is the code I have and it only gets the visible children:
for (i = 0; i < feedList.size(); i++) {
View v = lv.getChildAt(i);
System.out.println("Posicion i: " + i);
TextView cobro = null;
try {
cobro = (TextView) v.findViewById(R.id.col_cobro);
System.out.println("CobroValidador: " + cobro.getText().toString());
sumaValidaCobro += Convert(cobro.getText().toString());
tstSuma += Convert(cobro.getText().toString());
} catch (Exception ex) {
System.out.println("Valida cobrado: " + validaCobrado);
// tstSuma += Convert(cobro.getText().toString());
feedList is the initial adapter with which the listview is loaded, but the user can enter the values manually in the listview. When I save I can not use the original, I need to obtain all the data that the user entered. Any way to achieve this?