I'm making a website on vb.net that consumes a webservice that uses Example , which returns me all countries.
I only have one Send button that calls the countries and I have an LBL that shows me the result.
Imports service_country = WebServiceVB2.country
Protected Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim serv_country As New service_country.country '--Creo el objeto del servicio'
Dim MyDoc As New System.Xml.XmlDocument
Dim MyXml As String = serv_country.GetCountries() '--Ejecuto el procedimiento del webservice y lo guardo en string'
MyDoc.LoadXml(MyXml) '--Leo el contenido del Myxml y lo convierto en XML'
Dim SymbolText As String = MyDoc.SelectSingleNode("//NewDataSet/Table/Name").InnerText '--Selecciono unicamente el nodo en donde este Name'
Label1.Text = SymbolText
End Sub
The question is: How can I go through all the xml values? Since currently only returns one. I show the example:
Thanks in advance for your response.