Get a file and store a string in a Python dictionary


I have a Python script that searches for and replaces a string contained in all files within a directory. Now I need you to store the rest of that line in a dictionary.

That is, when I find this line:


My script converts it into the following, replacing the name of the function:


But now I need to store the following in a dictionary:


  1 .............................. \ n "'


dictionary = {'valor1': 'ab_220_ABBC2x_5_ABBC2x_OriginDestiny: 

That is, to take out the content between ( ... ); .

This is read from a directory that contains .cc and .h files where the lines I look for are of this style:


ORIGIN("ab_220_ABBC2x_: 3..............................\n");

That is, they are C ++ files that have a function with a name that I want to replace (I already do that with my script) but I also want to save what that function receives, what is between ( ... );

The result would be that the name of the function will be replaced in the file:

DESTINY("ab_220_ABBC2x_5_ABBC2x_OriginDestiny: ...1 \n");
DESTINY("ab_220_ABBC2x_: 3" , value);

And it will store what happens to the function in a dictionary, in this case:

dict = { '1' : 'ab_220_ABBC2x_5_ABBC2x_OriginDestiny: ...1' , 
'2': 'ab_220_ABBC2x_: 3" , value' }

My script:

import re
import os
import shutil
import sys

drc = ''
backup = '/path/bk'
pattern = re.compile('ORIGIN')
oldstr = 'ORIGIN'
newstr = 'DESTINY'

if os.path.exists(sys.argv[1]):
    drc = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[1])
    print("Cannot find directory: " + sys.argv[1])

for dirpath, dirname, filename in os.walk(drc): #Obtiene una lista de las rutas.
    for fname in filename:
        path = os.path.join(dirpath, fname) #Une la ruta con el nombre del archivo.

strg = open(path).read() #Abre los archivos para sólo lectura.
if, strg): #Si encuentra el patrón
    shutil.copy2(path, backup) #Crear una copia de seguridad.
    strg = strg.replace(oldstr, newstr) #Reemplaza.

f = open(path, 'w') #Abre los archivos en modo escritura.
f.write(strg) #Escribe los cambios.
f.close() #Cierra los archivos.
asked by JaviC 07.05.2017 в 14:12

1 answer


I have a code that makes it easy, I hope it is what you need.

def __init__()
    self.DIC_CMD = self.crearDicCmds()
    self.CMD_U = self.cargarComandos()
    self.DESC_U = self.cargarDescripciones()

def cargarDescripciones(self):
    cmds = list(open('Ficheros/descripciones.txt','r'))
    cmds = [c.strip() for c in cmds]
    return cmds

def cargarComandos(self):
    descs = list(open('Ficheros/comandos.txt','r'))
    descs = [d.strip() for d in descs]
    return descs
#Esto creo que es lo que te sirve
def crearDicCmds(self):
    dic_aux = {}
    for i in range(0, len(self.CMD_U)):
        dic_aux[self.CMD_U[i]] = self.DESC_U[i]
    return dic_aux
answered by 07.05.2017 в 15:38