you will see, I am making a query to the database from my program made in c #, the query is the following one (an example that should be valid):
(select ad.ordem_aa ordem_aa, mfx.sequencia seq, mfx.nrnac nacfx, ad.nomep
as area, mfx.nrint int, mfx.nome nomefx, mfx.localp localmfx,
c.coord1_univ as lat, c.coord2_univ as lon, c.coord1 lat1, c.coord2
lon1,e.id_blob idblob, mfx.alcances alcfx, mfx.altitudes altitfx,
mfx.carateristicas carfx, mfx.obs obsfx, e.obs1 obs, e.obs2 obs2, e.colour
colour from marcasfixas mfx, areasadmins ad, locuss l, coords c, estruturas
, coords_aux ca where ad.id_aa = l.area_id_aa and l.id_loc = mfx.lc_id_loc
(+) and l.id_loc = c.lc_id_loc and l.id_loc = ca.lc_id_loc and c.datafinal
is null and ca.datafinal is null and mfx.id_mfx = e.mfx_id_mfx (+) and
mfx.estado = '1' and sdo_inside(CA.geomuniv,
12999989941696,38.411666627551,-9.06500011734690,38.45000016763840)))='true' )
union (select ad.ordem_aa ordem_aa, mfl.sequencia seq, mfl.nrnac nacfx,
ad.nomep as area, Decode(Mfl.Nrint, Null, '0', Mfl.Nrint) Int, mfl.nome
nomefx, '1' localmfx, mfl.id_blob idBlob, c.coord1_univ as lat,
c.coord2_univ as lon, c.coord1 lat1, c.coord2 lon2, mfl.alcances alcfx,
mfl.altitudes altitfx, mfl.carateristicas carfx, mfl.obs obsfx, mfl.obs1
obs, mfl.obs2 obs2 ,mfl.colour from marcasflutuantes mfl, areasadmins ad,
locuss l, coords c, coords_aux ca where ad.id_aa = l.area_id_aa and
l.id_loc = mfl.lc_id_loc (+) and l.id_loc = c.lc_id_loc and l.id_loc =
ca.lc_id_loc and c.datafinal is null and ca.datafinal is null and
mfl.estado = '1' and sdo_inside(CA.geomuniv,
12999989941696,38.411666627551,-9.06500011734690,38.45000016763840)))='true' );
Well, the interesting part resides in:
Sdo_Geometry(2003,null,null,Sdo_Elem_Info_Array(1,1003,3),Sdo_Ordinate_ARRAY(-9 12999989941696,38.411666627551,-9.06500011734690,38.45000016763840)))='true' );
since the error that jumps is the following:
ORA-29902: error in executing ODCIIndexStart() routine
ORA-13207: incorrect use of the [SDO_INSIDE] operator
ORA-06512: at "MDSYS.SDO_INDEX_METHOD_10I", line 369
29902. 00000 - "error in executing ODCIIndexStart() routine"
*Cause: The execution of ODCIIndexStart routine caused an error.
*Action: Examine the error messages produced by the indextype code and
take appropriate action.
I've been looking at documentation for constructors for Sdo_geometry()
, sdo_elemen_info_array()
and sdo_ordinate_array
and I can not find where I'm making the error.
I need help: C