Good, this is my first question and I do not know if this goes here but I will try to be as clear as possible, I have the following:
private final int B_WIDTH = 850;
private final int B_HEIGHT = 850;
private final int DELAY = 25;
private Thread animator;
private Punto[] p = new Punto[8];
private int x = 50, y=150;
float YP[] = new float[2];
float XP[] = new float[2];
private int[][] matrizRotacion = new int[3][3];
public Line(){
private void initLine(){
setPreferredSize(new Dimension(B_WIDTH, B_HEIGHT));
p[0] = new Punto(x,x,y);
p[1] = new Punto(y,x,y);
p[2] = new Punto(y,x,x);
p[3] = new Punto(x,x,x);
p[4] = new Punto(x,y,x);
p[5] = new Punto(y,y,x);
p[6] = new Punto(y,y,y);
p[7] = new Punto(x,y,y);
public void addNotify() {
animator = new Thread(this);
protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
g.translate(200, 10);
public void pintar(Graphics g){
g.drawLine(p[0].XP, p[0].YP, p[1].XP, p[1].YP);
g.drawLine(p[1].XP, p[1].YP, p[2].XP, p[2].YP);
g.drawLine(p[2].XP, p[2].YP, p[3].XP, p[3].YP);
g.drawLine(p[3].XP, p[3].YP, p[0].XP, p[0].YP);
g.drawLine(p[6].XP, p[6].YP, p[5].XP, p[5].YP);
g.drawLine(p[5].XP, p[5].YP, p[4].XP, p[4].YP);
g.drawLine(p[4].XP, p[4].YP, p[7].XP, p[7].YP);
g.drawLine(p[7].XP, p[7].YP, p[6].XP, p[6].YP);
g.drawLine(p[6].XP, p[6].YP, p[1].XP, p[1].YP);
g.drawLine(p[0].XP, p[0].YP, p[7].XP, p[7].YP);
g.drawLine(p[3].XP, p[3].YP, p[4].XP, p[4].YP);
g.drawLine(p[2].XP, p[2].YP, p[5].XP, p[5].YP);
private void cycle() {
// x +=1;
// y += 1;
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
public void run() {
long beforeTime, timeDiff, sleep;
beforeTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
while (true) {
timeDiff = System.currentTimeMillis() - beforeTime;
sleep = DELAY - timeDiff;
if (sleep < 0) {
sleep = 2;
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
System.out.println("Interrupted: " + e.getMessage());
beforeTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
I also have a Point class and a class that draws the panel where that is:
public class Punto {
double x,y,z;
int XP;
int YP;
public Punto(int x, int y, int z) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.z = z;
private int get2DX() {
XP = (int) (x+z*(Math.cos(90)));
return XP;
private int get2DY() {
YP = (int) (y+z*(Math.sin(90)));
return YP;
This draws a 3d cube, but I want to make this cube rotate with some axis and I honestly do not understand how to do the rotation matrix
| cos, -sen 0 | | x |
| sin cos 0 | * | y | something like that ..
| 0 0 1 | | z |
So my question is if someone can explain or show me an example of how I can do this? or if what I have is fine (I know there are methods to make this easy but the point is to understand how it works).