I must uninstall and install a program frequently, it occurs to me that it could be possible using a .bat that executes CMD type commands to uninstall it. Is this possible ?
I must uninstall and install a program frequently, it occurs to me that it could be possible using a .bat that executes CMD type commands to uninstall it. Is this possible ?
@echo off
@echo [ON ^| OFF]
TITLE Desinstalar
MODE con: cols=110 lines=320
wmic product get name
set /p programa=[+]Desinstalar el programa completo:
wmic product where name="%programa%" call uninstall
Note: copy and paste into a notebook with the name Uninstall.bat
In the code there are two
the first
@echo OFF
starts the bat
@echo ON
disables the bat.
wmic product get name
is the command that will help us to uninstall programs and it is a cmd command.
Then you choose the program you want to uninstall
set /p programa= [+]Desinstalar el programa completo:
and press enter
wmic product where name="%programa%" call uninstall
It's a faster way to uninstall programs and if you know the name of the program you want to uninstall
wmic product where name="%programa%" call uninstall
you can change the name %programa%
by the name of the program would be something like this wmic product where name="El_nombre_del_programa,exe" call uninstall