Update cell if one of the fields is equal when adding rows from a TextBox


I have two DataGridView the following columns:

  • CODE
  • NAME

Through TextBox and% botón , I'm passing values from DataGridView to another, adding new rows.

Is it possible to achieve that when finding identical values in CODIGO and NOMBRE , increase the CANTIDAD , updating that row, without creating a new one?

This is my code:

Dim newRow As DataRowView = DirectCast(Pedidos_GeneralBindingSource.AddNew(), DataRowView)

newRow("CODIGO") = CODIGOTextBox.Text
newRow("NOMBRE") = NOMBRETextBox.Text
newRow("CANTIDAD") = CANTIDADTextBox.Text


This is the code I have so far:

Dim DT_Segundo As New DataTable
DT_Segundo.Columns.Add("CODIGO", Type.[GetType]("System.String"))
DT_Segundo.Columns.Add("NOMBRE", Type.[GetType]("System.String"))
DT_Segundo.Columns.Add("CANTIDAD", Type.[GetType]("System.String"))

Dim primarykey(1) As DataColumn
primarykey(0) = DT_Segundo.Columns("CODIGO")
DT_Segundo.PrimaryKey = primarykey

DataGridView2.DataSource = DT_Segundo

Dim CODIGOi As String
Dim NOMBREi As String
Dim CANTIDADi As String


If Not DT_Segundo.Rows.Find(CODIGOi) Is Nothing Then
    DT_Segundo.Rows.Find(CODIGOi).Item("CANTIDAD") = DT_Segundo.Rows.Find(CODIGOi).Item("CANTIDAD") + CANTIDADi
    DT_Segundo.Rows.Add(CODIGOi, NOMBREi, CANTIDADi)
End If

My problem now is that when I run it, I replace the existing values of my DataGridView2 with a row created from the values stored in the TextBox. Do not add new rows or add the amount for those that have the same value in the "CODE" column.


Add the COST column to calculate value and finally I could achieve it with another code, I leave it for the one that can serve:

    Dim Found As Boolean = False
    Dim total As Double = Convert.ToDouble(COSTOTextBox.Text) * 1
    If Pedidos_GeneralDataGridView.Rows.Count > 0 Then

        For Each row As DataGridViewRow In Pedidos_GeneralDataGridView.Rows
            If Convert.ToString(row.Cells(0).Value) = CODIGOTextBox.Text Then

                row.Cells(2).Value = Convert.ToString(1 + Convert.ToInt16(row.Cells(2).Value))
                row.Cells(3).Value = Convert.ToDouble(row.Cells(3).Value) + Convert.ToDouble(COSTOTextBox.Text)
                Found = True
            End If
        If Not Found Then

            Dim newRow As DataRowView = DirectCast(Pedidos_GeneralBindingSource.AddNew(), DataRowView)

            newRow("CODIGO") = CODIGOTextBox.Text
            newRow("NOMBRE") = NOMBRETextBox.Text
            newRow("CANTIDAD") = CANTIDADTextBox.Text
            newRow("COSTO") = COSTOTextBox.Text

        End If
    End If
asked by Luciano Minetti 03.05.2017 в 21:22

2 answers


The code to create the data source for the second DataGridView and assign it to it.

Dim DT_Segundo as New Datatable
DT_Segundo.Columns.Add("Codigo", Type.GetType("System.String"))
DT_Segundo.Columns.Add("Nombre", Type.GetType("System.String"))
DT_Segundo.Columns.Add("Cantidad", Type.GetType("System.Int32"))
DT_Segundo.PrimaryKey = New DataColumn() {DT_Segundo.Columns("Codigo"), DT_Segundo.Columns("Nombre")}
DataGridView2.DataSource = DT_Segundo

Once you have that, what you should do in the code portion you shared is:

Dim CodigoIngresado as String
Dim NombreIngresado as String
Dim CantidadIngresada As String

CodigoIngresado = CODIGOTextBox.Text
NombreIngresado = NOMBRETextBox.Text
CantidadIngresada = CANTIDADTextBox.Text 

If Not DT_Segundo.Rows.Find({CodigoIngresado,NombreIngresado}) Is Nothing Then
DT_Segundo.Rows.Find({CodigoIngresado,NombreIngresado}).Item("Cantidad") = DT_Segundo.Rows.Find({CodigoIngresado,NombreIngresado}).Item("Cantidad") + CantidadIngresada 
End If

In this way, and thanks to defining the column Code and the column Name as Primary Key, we can find a row that already exists with the code and name to add, and if so add the amount indicated.

EDIT : (Based on more data provided in comments)

After the .Fill that you comment, add the line of code that defines the double primary key:

 PedidosDataSet.Pedido‌​s_General.PrimaryKey = New DataColumn() {PedidosDataSet.Pedido‌​s_General.Columns("Codigo"), PedidosDataSet.Pedido‌​s_General.Columns("Nombre")}
DataGridView2.DataSource = PedidosDataSet.Pedido‌​s_General

Then where we do the verification we have left:

Dim CodigoIngresado as String
Dim NombreIngresado as String
Dim CantidadIngresada As String

CodigoIngresado = CODIGOTextBox.Text
NombreIngresado = NOMBRETextBox.Text
CantidadIngresada = CANTIDADTextBox.Text 

If Not PedidosDataSet.Pedido‌​s_General.Rows.Find({CodigoIngresado,NombreIngresado}) Is Nothing Then
PedidosDataSet.Pedido‌​s_General.Rows.Find({CodigoIngresado,NombreIngresado}).Item("Cantidad") = PedidosDataSet.Pedido‌​s_General.Rows.Find({CodigoIngresado,NombreIngresado}).Item("Cantidad") + CantidadIngresada 
End If
answered by 03.05.2017 / 22:49

I recommend you first go through the rows you have in the DataGridView that you are using (it is not very clear in your question this point) , and compare if there is a row that has the same values that have your text fields.

The following pseudo-code illustrates my explanation:


NOTE: Do not copy and paste the code, understand it first and adjust your   code.

// Obtén los valores de los campos de texto
Dim txtCodigo As String = CODIGOTextBox.Text
Dim txtNombre As String = NOMBRETextBox.Text
Dim txtCantidad As Double = Double.Parse(CANTIDADTextBox.Text)

// Recorre las filas de tu DataGridView1 (o el que estés usando).
Foreach (fila in DataGridView1)
   // Si esta fila tiene el código y el nombre iguales a los valores
   // de los textboxes...
   if (fila["CODIGO"] == txtCodigo && fila["NOMBRE"] == txtNombre)
       // Actualiza la CANTIDAD:
       // Edit: Sumar la cantidad de la fila con el valor del TextBox:
       fila["CANTIDAD"] += txtCantidad
answered by 03.05.2017 в 22:15