PHPStorm: File Watchers from SCSS to CSS = generating to a different directory structure


I have a directory structure with SCSS files like this:

  • component = > folder1 = > scss = > file1.scss
  • component = > folder2 = > scss = > file2.scss

I would like to generate the corresponding CSS in the following directory structure:

  • media = > folder1 = > css = > file1.css
  • media = > folder2 = > css = > file2.css

I think I should use MACROS for it but I do not know how since the structure is different (I would need to have in macro the "folder1" or "folder2".

Can someone help me with it?

Thanks in advance. Greetings.


asked by Mike Alvim 27.04.2017 в 19:24

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