Someone can explain me the following error in Symfony 3.0:
I have created a bundle
called blog, for which I defined the path /blog
path: /blog
defaults: { _controller: BlogBundle:Default:index }
When I start working with the entities, I get the following error:
ClassNotFoundException in appDevUrlGenerator.php line 14: Attempted to load class "UrlGenerator" from namespace "BlogBundle \ Entity \ Symfony \ Component \ Routing \ Generator". Did you forget to "use" statement for "Symfony \ Component \ Routing \ Generator \ UrlGenerator"?
After so much testing and testing, the error is corrected if I change the route for another (it should be noted that there is no other route called / blog), for example something like this:
path: /blogp
defaults: { _controller: BlogBundle:Default:index }
It is something very absurd, someone can tell me why, and how to correct it.