Hello everyone I am creating a pdf and inside the pdf I am placing a qr code with the data of N person but I have an error when setting the values to my QR code I get this error
but when I enter my sql statement, this appears
and finally this is in my controller:
public function print_qr() {
$res = $this->input->get('numero');
$nombre = $this->input->get('name');
$archivo = $this->resolucion->extraer_datos_qr($res, $nombre);
$qr_code_config = array();
$qr_code_config['cacheable'] = $this->config->item('cacheable');
$qr_code_config['cachedir'] = $this->config->item('cachedir');
$qr_code_config['imagedir'] = $this->config->item('imagedir');
$qr_code_config['errorlog'] = $this->config->item('errorlog');
$qr_code_config['ciqrcodelib'] = $this->config->item('ciqrcodelib');
$qr_code_config['quality'] = $this->config->item('quality');
$qr_code_config['size'] = $this->config->item('size');
$qr_code_config['black'] = $this->config->item('black');
$qr_code_config['white'] = $this->config->item('white');
$image_name = 'codigoQR' . ".png";
$codeContents = "Nombre y Apellidos:";
$codeContents .= "\n";
$codeContents .= $archivo->NOMBRES_COMPLETOS;
$params['data'] = $codeContents;
$params['level'] = 'H';
$params['size'] = 2;
$params['savename'] = FCPATH . $qr_code_config['imagedir'] . $image_name;
$this->data['qr_code_image_url'] = base_url() . $qr_code_config['imagedir'] . $image_name;
$file = $params['savename'];
return $file;