I am extracting from an excel file the value of a range of cells and I want to put it in an array and then select each data as I am interested. The problem is that it gives me an error telling me that it is not possible to convert a System.Object[,]
at System.Array()
Let's see if it is possible that someone can help me. I have the following:
Dim rango As Array()
ExcApp = New Excel.Application
wBook = ExcApp.Workbooks.Open(laruta)
wSheet = wBook.Worksheets("Hoja1")
rango = wSheet.Range("A" & TextBox3.Text & ":A" & TextBox4.Text).Value
total = TextBox4.Text - TextBox3.Text
While contador < total
TextBox.Text = ""
TextBox.Text = rango.GetValue(i)