In a theme I had installed in my wordpress, the following errors have recently emerged after the platform was updated:
Warning: array_keys () expects parameter 1 to be array, object given in (...) \ wp-content \ themes \ event \ inc \ lib \ td-colors.php on line 7
and also:
Warning: max (): When only one parameter is given, it must be an array in (...) \ wp-content \ themes \ event \ inc \ lib \ td-colors.php on line 7
Reviewing the file in the indicated position, I find this code:
1 <?php
2 function themesdojo_wpcss_loaded() {
4 // Return the lowest priority number from all the functions that hook 5 into wp_head
6 global $wp_filter;
7 $lowest_priority = max(array_keys($wp_filter['wp_head']));
9 add_action('wp_head', 'themesdojo_wpcss_head', $lowest_priority + 1);
11 $arr = $wp_filter['wp_head'];
13 }
14 add_action('wp_head', "themesdojo_wpcss_loaded");
16 // wp_head callback functions
17 function themesdojo_wpcss_head() {
I can not determine what the problem is in the structure of the code. Someone with some idea? In advance, thanks