I have an error in a program that I am trying to pass to Kivy. I have a function: askquestions(self,indexquestionlist)
which, as seen, requires the indexquestionlist
parameter. This parameter is the return produced by another function: indexquestions(AnswerDatelist, Atlist)
. The two parameters of this function, AnswerDatelist
and Atlist
are produced by this expression: wordlist, IDQuestionlist, Questionlist, Answerlist, AnswerDatelist, Atlist = Entitylist_matrix()
, but this last function does not think it gives me problems.
To address its resolution I have chosen to create a list called indexquestionlist
within the class VentanaTanda
class VentanaTanda(Screen):
score = NumericProperty()
indexquestionlist = ListProperty([])
(see below in python code)
The problem is that I get the error: NameError: name 'ListProperty' is not defined . For more details: File "C: ... \ main.py", line 255, in WindowTanda indexquestionlist = ListProperty ([]) NameError: name 'ListProperty' is not defined
According to the documentation this property belongs to class kivy.properties.ListProperty
I tried to include this expression where I put all the "import" but I get an error.
The scope of my question is to have a variable, indexquestionlist, that is a list that comes out as a return of the function indexquestions
. After that there will still be failures but I do not intend that you pass the whole program to kivy. With getting what I said before, I'm satisfied.
from kivy.app import App
from kivy.lang import Builder
from kivy.properties import NumericProperty
from kivy.uix.screenmanager import ScreenManager, Screen
from random import randint
from datetime import datetime, date, time, timedelta
def Date_secondsnow():
now = datetime.now()
Datesecondsnow = now.second + now.minute*60 + now.hour*60*60 + now.day*24*60*60 + now.month*30*24*60*60 + now.year*365*24*60*60
return Datesecondsnow
def addtext(text, a):
a = a + "\n" + text
return a
#Abrimos el archivo
#Pasamos el archivo de txt a formato de listas de entidad.
def txt_Entitylist():
f = open("Questions CE.txt","r")
filechain = f.read()
#Atención! Asegurate que no hay un caracter EOF después del ultimo "0"
#Saco Entitylist
Entitylist = []
Entitylist = filechain.split("|")
return Entitylist
#Función para convertir un txt en una matriz
def Entitylist_matrix():
Entitylist = txt_Entitylist()
#Partimos Entitylist en una lista de palabras (wordlist)
wordlist = []
partx = []
for x in Entitylist:
partx = x.split("^")
a = 0
while a < len(partx):
wordlist = wordlist + [partx[a]]
a = a + 1
IDQuestionlist = []
i = 0
while i<len(wordlist):
IDQuestionlist = IDQuestionlist + [wordlist[i]]
i = i + 5
Questionlist = []
i = 1
while i<len(wordlist):
Questionlist = Questionlist + [wordlist[i]]
i = i + 5
Answerlist = []
i = 2
while i<len(wordlist):
Answerlist = Answerlist + [wordlist[i]]
i = i + 5
AnswerDatelist = []
i = 3
while i<len(wordlist):
AnswerDatelist = AnswerDatelist + [wordlist[i]]
i = i + 5
#Atlist (Delta time)
Atlist = []
i = 4
while i<len(wordlist):
Atlist = Atlist + [wordlist[i]]
i = i + 5
return wordlist, IDQuestionlist, Questionlist, Answerlist, AnswerDatelist, Atlist
#Función que guarda los datos
def matrix_txt(IDQuestionlist, Questionlist, Answerlist, AnswerDatelist, Atlist):
file=open('Questions CE.txt','w') #Si lo abres en modo "a", añade datos sin borrar los que ya estaban
#1º Quitamos los espacios en blanco que nos sobran de AnswerDatelist y Atlist
#i = 0
#while i<len(Atlist):
# a = str(Atlist[i])
# Atlist[i] = a.strip()
i = 0
while i<len(Atlist):
file.write(" "+str(AnswerDatelist[i]).strip()+" "+"^")
if i + 1 == len(Atlist):
file.write(" "+str(Atlist[i]).strip()+" ")
file.write(" "+str(Atlist[i]).strip()+" "+"^")
i = i + 1
#Función para forzar preguntas (se preguntaran las preguntas aunque no haya pasado el tiempo necesario para hacerlas)
def ask_all():
i = 0
answer = 0
while i<len(Atlist) and answer !="exit":
#Mostrar pregunta
while answer != "s" and answer != "exit":
print("Una vez que hayas pensado la respuesta debes pulsar s (show answer)")
answer = input()
if answer == "s":
#Inicializo la variable AnswerDatelist ¿y que hay de Atlist?
if int(AnswerDatelist[i]) == 0:
AnswerDatelist[i] = Date_secondsnow()
if int(Atlist[i]) == 0:
Atlist[i] = 1
print("A continuación pulsa g (good) si la respuesta que has pensado ha sido buena, o w (wrong) si has fallado")
print("El valor de Atlist es:", Atlist)
while answer !="w" and answer != "g" and answer!="exit":
answer = input()#¿La primera vez que se pasa por el bucle se ejecuta lo que está adentro?
if answer == "w":
Atlist[i] = 1
AnswerDatelist[i] = Date_secondsnow()
if answer == "g":
if 2*int(Atlist[i]) > Date_secondsnow() - int(AnswerDatelist[i]):
Atlist[i] = 2*int(Atlist[i])
Atlist[i] = 2*(Date_secondsnow() - int(AnswerDatelist[i]))
print("Debes pulsar una 'g' o una 'w'")
i = i + 1
#Función para calcular el tiempo que queda para hacer nuevas preguntas
#Qué pasa cuando el resto es negativo?
#Función para preguntar las preguntas que tocan:
def ask():
indexquestionlist = indexquestions(AnswerDatelist, Atlist)
#Función que pregunta las preguntas que tocan de dos en dos:
def ask_2():
indexquestionlist = indexquestions(AnswerDatelist, Atlist)
while indexquestionlist != []:
indexquestionlist_2 = []
indexquestionlist = indexquestions(AnswerDatelist, Atlist)
if len(indexquestionlist)>= 2:
indexquestionlist_2 = [indexquestionlist[0]] + [indexquestionlist[1]]
if len(indexquestionlist) == 1:
indexquestionlist_2 = [indexquestionlist[0]]
if len(indexquestionlist) == 0:
return -1
indexquestionlist = indexquestions(AnswerDatelist, Atlist)
#Función para guardar datos desde línea de comandos
#def save():
# matrix_txt(IDQuestionlist, Questionlist, Answerlist, AnswerDatelist, Atlist)
def indexquestions(AnswerDatelist, Atlist):
#Primero preguntar las que tienen un AnswerDate = 0
indexquestionlist = []
#Recorremos la lista AnswerDatelist
i = 0
while i<len(AnswerDatelist):
if int(AnswerDatelist[i]) == 0:
indexquestionlist = indexquestionlist + [i]
i = i + 1
#Segundo preguntar las que toca preguntar ¿Cuáles son las que toca preguntar?
#Las que tienen AnswerDate + At < Dateseconds now
i = 0
while i<len(AnswerDatelist):
if int(AnswerDatelist[i]) + int(Atlist[i]) < Date_secondsnow():
indexquestionlist = indexquestionlist + [i]
i = i + 1
indexquestionlist = list(set(indexquestionlist)) #Asi me aseguro de que no hay ninguna pregunta repetida
return indexquestionlist
#indexquestionlist = [] Pensé en definirlo aquí pero nos sigue dando el error de acontinuación. Definimos "indexquestionlist" porque si no, nos da el error File "design.kv", line 99, in <module> on_release: tanda.askquestions(indexquestionlist) NameError: name 'indexquestionlist' is not defined
wordlist, IDQuestionlist, Questionlist, Answerlist, AnswerDatelist, Atlist = Entitylist_matrix()
indexquestionlist = indexquestions(AnswerDatelist, Atlist)
class MyScreenManager(ScreenManager):
def __init__(self):
super(MyScreenManager, self).__init__()
class VentanaMenu(Screen):
def save(self):
matrix_txt(IDQuestionlist, Questionlist, Answerlist, AnswerDatelist, Atlist)
class VentanaNuevas(Screen):
def tuq(self): #time until question
#Cómo calcular el tiempo que queda?
tuq_difference = []
tuq_difference_magnitude = []
tuq_difference_scaleoftime = []
chaintuq =""
i = 0
while i<len(Atlist):
tuq_difference = tuq_difference + [int(AnswerDatelist[i])+int(Atlist[i]) - Date_secondsnow()]
i = i + 1
i = 0
while i<len(tuq_difference):
if tuq_difference[i] < 60:
tuq_difference_magnitude = tuq_difference_magnitude + [tuq_difference[i]]
tuq_difference_scaleoftime = tuq_difference_scaleoftime + ["segundos"]
if tuq_difference[i] < 3600 and tuq_difference[i] > 60:
tuq_difference_magnitude = tuq_difference_magnitude + [tuq_difference[i]/60]
tuq_difference_scaleoftime = tuq_difference_scaleoftime + ["minutos"]
if tuq_difference[i] > 3600 and tuq_difference[i] < 3600*24:
tuq_difference_magnitude = tuq_difference_magnitude + [tuq_difference[i]/3600]
tuq_difference_scaleoftime = tuq_difference_scaleoftime + ["horas"]
if tuq_difference[i] > 3600*24 and tuq_difference[i] < 3600*24*30:
tuq_difference_magnitude = tuq_difference_magnitude + [tuq_difference[i]/(3600*24)]
tuq_difference_scaleoftime = tuq_difference_scaleoftime +[ "días"]
if tuq_difference[i] > 3600*24*30 and tuq_difference[i] < 3600*24*30*12:
tuq_difference_magnitude = tuq_difference_magnitude + [tuq_difference[i]/(3600*24*30)]
tuq_difference_scaleoftime = tuq_difference_scaleoftime + ["meses"]
if tuq_difference[i] > 3600*24*30*12:
tuq_difference_magnitude = tuq_difference_magnitude + [tuq_difference[i]/(3600*24*30*12)]
tuq_difference_scaleoftime = tuq_difference_scaleoftime + ["años"]
i = i + 1
i = 0
while i<len(Atlist):
if tuq_difference[i] < 0:
chaintuq = addtext("Ya te toca contestar a la pregunta "+IDQuestionlist[i], chaintuq)
chaintuq = addtext("Para preguntar "+IDQuestionlist[i]+"quedan "+str(tuq_difference_magnitude[i])+" "+tuq_difference_scaleoftime[i], chaintuq)
i = i + 1
self.ids['label4'].text = chaintuq
class VentanaTanda(Screen):
score = NumericProperty()
indexquestionlist = ListProperty([])
#Función que muestra que preguntas hacer
def indexquestions(self,AnswerDatelist, Atlist):
#Primero preguntar las que tienen un AnswerDate = 0
indexquestionlist = []
#Recorremos la lista AnswerDatelist
i = 0
while i<len(AnswerDatelist):
if int(AnswerDatelist[i]) == 0:
indexquestionlist = indexquestionlist + [i]
i = i + 1
#Segundo preguntar las que toca preguntar ¿Cuáles son las que toca preguntar?
#Las que tienen AnswerDate + At < Dateseconds now
i = 0
while i<len(AnswerDatelist):
if int(AnswerDatelist[i]) + int(Atlist[i]) < Date_secondsnow():
indexquestionlist = indexquestionlist + [i]
i = i + 1
indexquestionlist = list(set(indexquestionlist)) #Asi me aseguro de que no hay ninguna pregunta repetida
return indexquestionlist
#Función que hace pregutas
def askquestions(self,indexquestionlist): #Todavía no he terminado esta función
i = 0
answer = 0
while i<len(indexquestionlist) and answer != "exit": #Recorro el vector indexquestionlist
#Mostrar pregunta
a = ""
a = addtext(Questionlist[indexquestionlist[i]],a)
self.ids['label1'].text = a
while answer != "s" and answer != "exit":
a =""
a = addtext("Una vez que hayas pensado la respuesta debes pulsar s (show answer)",a)
answer = input()
if answer == "s":
#Inicializo la variable AnswerDatelist ¿y que hay de Atlist?
if int(AnswerDatelist[indexquestionlist[i]]) == 0:
AnswerDatelist[indexquestionlist[i]] = Date_secondsnow()
if int(Atlist[indexquestionlist[i]]) == 0:
Atlist[indexquestionlist[i]] = 1
print("A continuación pulsa g (good) si la respuesta que has pensado ha sido buena, o w (wrong) si has fallado")
print("El valor de Atlist es:", Atlist)
while answer !="w" and answer != "g" and answer!="exit":
answer = input()#¿La primera vez que se pasa por el bucle se ejecuta lo que está adentro?
if answer == "w":
Atlist[indexquestionlist[i]] = 1
AnswerDatelist[indexquestionlist[i]] = Date_secondsnow()
if answer == "g":
if 2*int(Atlist[indexquestionlist[i]]) > Date_secondsnow() - int(AnswerDatelist[indexquestionlist[i]]):
Atlist[indexquestionlist[i]] = 2*int(Atlist[indexquestionlist[i]])
Atlist[indexquestionlist[i]] = 2*(Date_secondsnow() - int(AnswerDatelist[indexquestionlist[i]]))
if answer !="w" and answer !="g":
print("Debes pulsar una 'g' o una 'w'")
i = i + 1
#def showquestion(self):
# with open("question.txt", "r") as f:
# filetext = f.read()
# self.ids['label1'].text = filetext
def showanswer(self):
with open("answer.txt", "r") as f:
filetext = f.read()
self.ids['label2'].text = filetext
class myApp(App):
def build(self):
return MyScreenManager()
def on_pause(self):
return True
def on_resume(self):
if __name__ in ('__main__', '__android__'):
#:import WipeTransition kivy.uix.screenmanager.WipeTransition
transition: WipeTransition()
name: 'menu'
id: menu
anchor_x: 'center'
anchor_y: 'center'
padding: 0,10,0,0
spacing: 10
size_hint:1, 0.25
orientation: 'vertical'
# Botones de presentación
id: button5
text: "Tiempo para nuevas preguntas"
on_release: app.root.current = 'nuevas'; app.root.get_screen('nuevas').tuq()
id: button6
text: "Hacer tanda de preguntas"
on_release: app.root.current = 'tanda'
id: button7
text: "Salir"
on_release: menu.save(), app.stop()
name: 'tanda'
id: tanda
size: root.size
orientation: 'vertical'
padding: 20
spacing: 0
#label1 muestra la pregunta
id: label1
color: 1,0,1,1
rgba: 191/255.0, 144/255.0, 63/255.0, 1
size: self.size
pos: self.pos
#label2 muestra la respuesta
id: label2
color: 1,0,1,1
rgba: 110/255.0, 191/255.0, 63/255.0, 1
size: self.size
id: label3
color: 1,0,1,1
text: str(tanda.score)
rgba: 74/255.0, 25/255.0, 44/255.0, 1
size: self.size
padding: 0,10,0,10
spacing: 10
size_hint:1, 0.30
orientation: 'horizontal'
id: button1
text: "Mostrar respuesta"
on_release: tanda.showanswer()
id: button2
text: "Pregunta Acertada"
on_release: tanda.score += 10
id: button3
text: "Pregunta Fallada"
on_release: tanda.score -= 5
id: button4
text: "Mostrar pregunta"
on_release: tanda.askquestions(tanda.indexquestionlist)
#Botón Para volver al menu
size_hint:1, 0.25
text: "Volver al menu"
on_release: app.root.current = 'menu'
name: 'nuevas'
id: nuevas
size: root.size
orientation: 'vertical'
padding: 20
spacing: 10
#label4 muestra el tiempo hasta las preguntas
id: label4
color: 1,0,1,1
rgba: 33/255.0, 127/255.0, 190/255.0, 1
size: self.size
#Botón Para volver al menu
size_hint:1, 0.10
text: "Volver al menu"
on_release: app.root.current = 'menu'
I also include the "Questions CE.txt" file because the Entitylist_matrix()
function needs it
Questions CE.txt:
CEP1 ^ ¿Cuando es aprobada la constitución española? ^ El 31 de octubre de 1978 ^ 63620252955 ^ 1 ^ CEP2 ^ ¿Cuando es ratificada la constitución española? ^ El 6 de diciembre de 1978 ^ 63620252997 ^ 1 ^ CEP3 ^ ¿Cuando es sancionada la CE? ^ El 27 de diciembre de 1978 ^ 63620253010 ^ 1 ^ CEP4 ^ ¿Por quién es aprobada la CE? ^ Por las cortes ^ 63619108582 ^ 2182800 ^ CEP5 ^ ¿Por quién es ratificada la CE? ^ Por el pueblo español ^ 63619107733 ^ 2186216 ^ CEP6.1 ^ ¿Por quién es sancionada la CE? ^ Por S.M el Rey ^ 63619108620 ^ 2182724 ^ CEP6.2 ^ ¿Ante quién es sancionada la CE? ^ Ante las Cortes ^ 63619108635 ^ 2182676 ^ CEP7.01 ^ ¿Cuántos títulos tiene la constitución? ^ 11 con el título preliminar ^ 0 ^ 0