In case it is useful to some future reader, I have not currently found any way for the .backup
file that PostgreSQL generates to include the statements to create extensiones
and event-triggers
My solution is to make a script (with NodeJS, which is what I am working with in my application), to do the whole process of creating the database, step by step, in the order in which they should be created. :
import { exec as exec_ } from 'child_process';
import { dbConfig } from '../../config';
const exec = require('bluebird').promisify(exec_);
let execOpts = { env : { 'PGPASSWORD' : dbConfig.password } };
async function existDatabase(){
console.log('Comprobando si existe la base de datos ${dbConfig.database}');
let commandExistDb = 'psql -U ${dbConfig.user} -tc "SELECT 1 FROM pg_database WHERE datname = '${dbConfig.database}'"'
let promise = exec(commandExistDb, execOpts);
return +await promise;
async function createDatabase(){
console.log('Creando la base de datos ${dbConfig.database}')
let commandCreate = 'psql -U ${dbConfig.user} -c "CREATE DATABASE ""${dbConfig.database}"" "';
let promise = exec(commandCreate, execOpts);
return await promise;
async function createExtensions() {
console.log('Creando las extensiones postgis y citext');
let command = 'psql -U ${dbConfig.user} -d ${dbConfig.database} -f create-extensions.sql';
let promise = exec(command, execOpts);
return await promise;
async function createTables() {
console.log('Creando las tablas del schema public');
let command = 'pg_restore --host localhost --port 5432 --username "${dbConfig.user}" --dbname "${dbConfig.database}" --section pre-data --section post-data --schema public "db-only.backup"';
let promise = exec(command, execOpts);
return await promise;
async function createCapasSchema() {
console.log('Creando el schema capas')
let commandCreate = 'psql -U ${dbConfig.user} -d ${dbConfig.database} -c "CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS capas"';
let promise = exec(commandCreate, execOpts);
return await promise;
async function createEventTriggers() {
console.log('Creando EVENT-TRIGGERS');
let command = 'psql -U ${dbConfig.user} -d ${dbConfig.database} -f create-event-triggers.sql';
let promise = exec(command, execOpts);
return await promise;
async function addCapas() {
console.log('Creando capas');
let command = 'pg_restore -U postgres --host localhost --port 5432 --username "${dbConfig.user}" --dbname "${dbConfig.database}" --section pre-data --section data --schema capas "capas.backup"';
let promise = exec(command, { execOpts }).catch(err => console.log(err));
return await promise;
async function addDatos(){
console.log('Añadiendo datos')
let commandDisableTrigger = 'psql -U ${dbConfig.user} -d "${dbConfig.database}" -c "ALTER TABLE datos DISABLE TRIGGER trg_check_gid_layer_exists"';
let commandEnableTrigger = 'psql -U ${dbConfig.user} -d "${dbConfig.database}" -c "ALTER TABLE datos ENABLE TRIGGER trg_check_gid_layer_exists"';
let commandAdd = 'pg_restore --host localhost --port 5432 --username "${dbConfig.user}" --dbname "${dbConfig.database}" --section data --table datos --schema public --verbose "tabla-datos.backup"';
await exec(commandDisableTrigger, execOpts);
await exec(commandAdd);
await exec(commandEnableTrigger, execOpts);
async function create(){
let exist = await existDatabase();
if(exist !== 1){
await createDatabase();
await createExtensions();
await createTables();
await createCapasSchema();
await createEventTriggers();
await addCapas();
await addDatos();