Good morning.
I need my program to read the folders that I have inside a folder, and read the files that I have inside those folders (in this case an .exe and some .png)
The goal is that for each folder that exists, a button with the image inside that folder is created and when clicking the .exe that is inside the folder also .
if (Directory.Exists(rutasapp)) {
foreach (string dataApp in Directory.GetDirectories(rutasapp)) {
AppButton button = Instantiate(buttonPrefab);
//buscamos todos los ficheos que sean .exe y los guardamos en data
foreach (string data in Directory.GetFiles(@dataApp)) {
if (Path.GetExtension(@data) == ".exe") {
//al clicar el boton ejecutamos el exe que hemos guardado anteriormente .NO FUNCIONA
button.GetComponent<Button>().onClick.AddListener(() => Process.Start(data));
//buscamos todas las imagenes que sean .png y las guardamos en imagenes
foreach (string imagenes in Directory.GetFiles(@dataApp)) {
if (Path.GetExtension(@imagenes) == ".png") {
I have that code that works a lot less well. I create some buttons for each folder I have and then I look for the files that are .exe and .png and I save them in data and images.
When I add this line to run the .exe , when I try to run the program it gives me the following error:
button.GetComponent<Button>().onClick.AddListener(() => Process.Start(data));
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Any ideas on how to do it?