pass a list of objects containing other objects to Json in Java


I have a web service hosted on Java in Netbeans (NO MAVEN) with several classes that are related to foreign keys. For example, I have a Notes class that has two foreign keys (idUsuari and idIncidencia). From the Postman, I do a GET with the method that comes by default when generating the service, which returns a List and shows it to me in Json format because that's how I have it in the get method:


    public List<Notes> findAll() {
        return super.findAll();

And he returns me:

    "dataNota": "2017-04-01",
    "descripcio": "nota de la incidencia",
    "id": 1,
    "idIncidencia": { //objeto Incidencia
      "dataFi": "2017-04-06",
      "dataIncidencia": "2017-03-25",
      "dataInici": "2017-04-06",
      "descCurta": "Aixeta trencada",
      "descLlarga": "La aixeta del lavabo situat a la dreta està bessant aigua continuament",
      "id": 1,
      "idEstat": {
        "id": 2,
        "nomEstat": "assignada"
      "idLocalitzacio": {//objeto Localitzacio
        "id": 12,
        "nomLloc": "dpt. exportació"
      "idPrioritat": {//objeto Prioritat
        "id": 2,
        "nomPrioritat": "normal"
      "idUsuariObertura": { //objeto Usuari
        "bloquejat": false,
        "cognoms": "Olivera Cortes",
        "contrasenya": "e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e",
        "correu": "[email protected]",
        "id": 2,
        "idTipus": { //objeto TipusUsuari
          "id": 2,
          "nomTipus": "gestor"
        "idUsuari": "EulaliaOli2",
        "mobil": "698899663",
        "nom": "Calatina"
      "idUsuariOperari": { //objeto Usuari
        "bloquejat": false,
        "cognoms": "Olivera Cortes",
        "contrasenya": "e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e",
        "correu": "[email protected]",
        "id": 3,
        "idTipus": { //objeto TipusUsuari
          "id": 2,
          "nomTipus": "gestor"
        "idUsuari": "EulaliaOli",
        "mobil": "698899663",
        "nom": "Eulalia"
    "idUsuari": { //objeto Usuari
      "bloquejat": false,
      "cognoms": "Campmany",
      "contrasenya": "0c924da91233daf35ad47a7745d10edf",
      "correu": "[email protected]",
      "id": 7,
      "idTipus": { //objeto TipusUsuari
        "id": 2,
        "nomTipus": "gestor"
      "idUsuari": "Joan",
      "mobil": "",
      "nom": "Joan"
    "metodologia": "manual"

...mas registros con la misma estructura...

What I want is to convert this list of objects (which contains other objects and at the same time other objects) to a String in Json format. I've tried with Gson, JSONObject, Jackson and it does not return anything, the Postman is left standing as if thinking.

I do not know if the problem is that these libraries do not recognize the different levels within the hierarchy of objects or the EntityManager behind these restful methods.

Any suggestions?

asked by Montse 06.04.2017 в 16:25

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