For some time I have tried to solve this problem, and little by little I lose hope and I go into despair, I CLARIFY! I am NOT an assiduous user of Linux or any of its distributions (and I do not want to) it is just work, any answer please if it is well explained and with patience I will appreciate it very much.
I have already installed php 5.3, Apache 2.2 and PostgreSQL 8.4 and everything necessary.
The problem is that the browser only shows a blank page when I run a simple php code, I do not find errors, even sometimes it shows only parts of the code as text (in iceweasel).
The apache error log shows nothing fatal.
Now edit the Display errors from php.ini to On.
Does not show the echo.
I do not know how much of this is from the fact that I'm using chromium or iceweasel since installing Firefox or Google Chrome in debian has made it just impossible.
Can anyone experienced in Linux distributions help me?
Is S.O so old for servers really used or is this a "special" case?
code that runs check_usu.php
$user = "postgres";
$password = "iapem";
$dbname = "db_sistema_a";
$port = "5432";
$host = "localhost";
$cadenaConexion = "host=$host port=$port dbname=$dbname user=$user password=$password";
$conexion = pg_connect($cadenaConexion);
die('No pudo conectarse: ' .pg_last_error());
$usuario = $_POST["usr"];//Traemos los datos del formulario
$clave1 = $_POST["clave"];//Traemos los datos del formulario
$clave2 = md5($clave1);//Encriptamos la clave a md5
$query = "select * from usuarios WHERE ced='$usuario' and psswd_per='$clave2'";//Realizamos query
$result = pg_query($conexion, $query) or die("Error en la Consulta SQL");//Procesamos el query
$numReg= pg_num_rows($result);
echo $numReg . " rows returned";//Me dice si hay alguien en la base de datos
Simpler can not be ... and this is what it is: