Error using php class in html


I have a problem when using a PHP class in an html

The class code to use it is this:

<form method="POST">
  <textarea id="imputText" placeholder="Plain or encrypted text here" 
    name="imputText" rows="5" class="input-block-level"></textarea>
  <input autocomplete="off" placeholder="Key of the encryption" 
    class="input-block-level input-large" type="imputKey" 
    name="imputKey" value="" id="imputKey">

  <select name="blockSize">
    <option value="128">128 Bit</option>            
    <option value="192">192 Bit</option>
    <option value="256">256 Bit</option>

  <button type="submit" name="direction1" 
    value="Decrypt" class="btn pull-right btn-inverse btn-small">Decrypt</button>
  <button type="submit" name="direction2" 
    value="Encrypt" class="btn pull-right btn-primary btn-small">Encrypt</button>

<form style="display: none" id="outForm" 
  target="_blank" action="/AES.php" name="out" method="post">


if ($_POST['direction2'])

  include 'AES.php';
  $imputText = $_POST['imputText'];
  $imputKey = $_POST['imputKey'];
  $blockSize = $_POST['blockSize'];
  $aes = new AES($imputText, $imputKey, $blockSize);

  $enc = $aes->encrypt();
  echo "Encriptado: ".$enc."<br/>";
  echo "Original: ".$dec."<br/>";
else if($_POST['direction1'])

  include 'AES.php';
  $imputText = $_POST['imputText'];
  $imputKey = $_POST['imputKey'];
  $blockSize = $_POST['blockSize'];
  $aes = new AES($imputText, $imputKey, $blockSize);

  $enc = $aes->encrypt();
  echo "Original: ".$dec."<br/>";

  $enc = $aes->decrypt();
  echo "Desencriptado: ".$dec."<br/>";


That used in a .php works but if I want to move it to an .html with this code:

<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="es">
<head><title>Privacidad AES</title></head>

    <form method="POST">
      <textarea id="imputText" placeholder="Plain or encrypted text here" 
        name="imputText" rows="5" class="input-block-level"></textarea>
      <input autocomplete="off" placeholder="Key of the encryption" 
        class="input-block-level input-large" type="imputKey" 
        name="imputKey" value="" id="imputKey">

      <select name="blockSize">
        <option value="128">128 Bit</option>            
        <option value="192">192 Bit</option>
        <option value="256">256 Bit</option>

      <button type="submit" name="direction1" value="Decrypt" 
        class="btn pull-right btn-inverse btn-small">Decrypt</button>
      <button type="submit" name="direction2" value="Encrypt" 
        class="btn pull-right btn-primary btn-small">Encrypt</button>

    <form style="display: none" id="outForm" 
      target="_blank" action="/AES.php" name="out" method="post">


    if ($_POST['direction2'])

      include 'AES.php';
      $imputText = $_POST['imputText'];
      $imputKey = $_POST['imputKey'];
      $blockSize = $_POST['blockSize'];
      $aes = new AES($imputText, $imputKey, $blockSize);

      $enc = $aes->encrypt();
      echo "Encriptado: ".$enc."<br/>";
      echo "Original: ".$dec."<br/>";
    else if($_POST['direction1'])

      include 'AES.php';
      $imputText = $_POST['imputText'];
      $imputKey = $_POST['imputKey'];
      $blockSize = $_POST['blockSize'];
      $aes = new AES($imputText, $imputKey, $blockSize);

      $enc = $aes->encrypt();
      echo "Original: ".$dec."<br/>";

      $enc = $aes->decrypt();
      echo "Desencriptado: ".$dec."<br/>";



and saving it as an .html ... This appears in my browser:

Then I wonder how I can save the php code inside an html , my purpose is to use css together with html. Thank you very much.

asked by Sebastian Hanania 14.04.2017 в 20:19

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