Error Forbbiden when I want to run with codeigniter I do not have server permission


I have a problem, I have my project folder in codeigniter framework with programs already worked, then I passed my project folder to another computer and I wanted to execute each one of the controllers and also seen but the server shows me that I do not have permission, then install another codeigniter framework and the same thing happens as I fly to run my programs in codeigniter.

this is located in the "www" folder, I use the appserv package (phpmyadmin, mysql apache) my settings:

  • project / application / config:
  • $ config ['base_url'] = ' link ';
  • $ config ['index_page'] = 'index.php';

  • project / application / routes

  • $ route ['default_controller']="store";
  • $ route ['404_override'] = '';

  • project / application / autoload:

  • $ autoload ['libraries'] = array ('database');
  • $ autoload ['helper'] = array ('url');

in the file .htacces only has this written: deny from all

How can I use codeigniter on my Apache server?

asked by RodLeo 09.05.2017 в 20:54

2 answers


in the file .htacces only has this written: deny from all

Surely this is the problem.

deny from all , impede any access so this is possibly blocking access.

You can for example deny all but X accesses:

Order deny, allow
Deny from All
Allow from

Or on the contrary allow all but x

Order deny, allow
Allow from All
Deny from

You can add as many ranges as you need:

Order deny, allow
Allow from All
Deny from
Deny from
Deny from xxx.zzz.zzz.zzz

or directly delete the content and leave the file empty.

answered by 10.05.2017 в 01:21

so I can see in your url you are calling from the view to your page. In the case of codeigniter , use a mvc structure, so you have to call the view from the controller

Another detail that I see, is that you are not going through the index.php data but that you are placing them directly.


Note: If you like, put your controller and view code and so on   I can help you better.

answered by 10.05.2017 в 01:41