Error when consuming an api web service from angular $ [duplicate]


The error is as follows

This is my POST method in the Web Api

// POST api/values
public string Post(Persona persona)
     return "response: \"Suscrito\"";

and this is my angular code.

                $scope.persona).success(function (result) {
    }).error(function (data) {

I do not understand the error and it is not clear to me if the error is in the service or in the angle.

Please someone help me!

asked by Julian Vasquez Perez 12.03.2017 в 22:56

3 answers


I never used asp but you can try one of the solutions that there is here which is to add the following to the file Web.config

      <add name="Access-Control-Allow-Origin" value="*" />
      <add name="Access-Control-Allow-Headers" value="Content-Type" />
      <add name="Access-Control-Allow-Methods" value="GET,POST,PUT,DELETE,OPTIONS" />
     <add name="Access-Control-Allow-Credentials" value="true" />

answered by 12.03.2017 в 23:41

You could test your webservice by sending the parameter by Post and see if it gives the error there.

With angularjs, you arias it in this way

$scope.CrearUsuario = function(item)
            $scope.item = item;
                method: "POST",
                url: "http://localhost:808/sistemadrp/public/ws/usuarios",
                data: {
                    usuario:    item.usuario,
                    nombre:     item.nombre,
                    password:   item.password,
                    telefono:   item.telefono,
                    estado:     item.estado
            }).then(function mySucess(response)
                                message : 'Registro creado exitosamente!',
                                status  : 'success',
                                timeout :  5000,
                                pos     : 'top-right'
            },function myError(response){

the item parameter I use in the form ng-model="item.nombre1"

answered by 13.03.2017 в 05:33

The problem comes because you are trying to make an ajax call to a different domain than the one that is serving the front. From the backend you have to indicate that you "accept" calls from the front domain (or enable any domain with * , useful for public api's). To do this you must respond to requests with the following headers (so that the browser accepts the answers).

  // Headers para habilitar el acceso a tu front (En el caso que propones)
  "Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "localhost:53100"
  "Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept"
// Habilitar el acceso desde cualquier dominio
   "Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"
   "Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept"

In ASP.NET I can not help you at the code level, but here is a link that can help you link

This is known as CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) . If you search in google enable CORS in ASP.NET , you will find a lot of links that will help you.

I hope I have cleared your doubts a little more!

answered by 04.09.2017 в 13:53