Considerations on using the JOIN in SQL Server 2008


I have a problem with its use. I have two tables in different databases, both tables are identical (same number and name of columns) and the smallest is included (all their records) in the original table.

Both tables give me the same number of records when I use WHERE and I specify one of the fields.

But the problem comes when I apply the INNER JOIN with the same criteria in WHERE . I was supposed to throw a table with the same number of records as the queries made by snapped, since all the records in this table are in the largest table, but it gives me more results, even though the field I use for the JOIN is a type int (id_cod) that is not repeated within the tables, and WHERE uses a type field fecha that if repeated along both tables.

I can not find the reason why this happens, maybe because both tables have the same name in their columns.


In DB1:

select* from MiTabla
WHERE año='2009' and mes='05'
-- 80 000 registros encontrados

On BD2:

select* from MiTabla
WHERE año='2009' and mes='05'
-- 80 000 registros encontrados

But with the JOIN :

FROM BD1.dbo.MiTabla t1 (nolock) inner join
     BD2.dbo.MiTabla t2 (nolock)
                on (t1.id_cod= t2.id_cod) 
WHERE t1.año= '2009' and t1.mes='05' 
-- 100 000 registros encontrados
asked by Fran.J 10.02.2017 в 21:59

2 answers


The explanation is that you are using different conditions. In the separate queries you use the criterion: año='2009' and mes='05' . But in the integral query the condition of JOIN uses another criterion: t1.id_cod = t2.id_cod , while only the records of the table t1 are restricted with the condition t1.año = '2009' and t1.mes = '05' .

If in the table t2 there are records that share the value of id_cod with the records in the table t1 that comply with the condition t1.año='2009' and t1.mes='05' are going to be included in the result regardless of the value of t2.año and t2.mes .

Now, if you change the condition of JOIN to: t1.año = t2.año and t1.mes = t2.mes leaving the same condition of WHERE you will get the number of records expected, but it is likely that the value of the column id_cod will not match .

If you add the column id_cod to the conditions of JOIN : t1.id_cod = t2.id_cod and t1.año = t2.año and t1.mes = t2.mes it is likely that the number of records is less than expected if there are records in t1 that have no correspondence in t2 .

When analyzing an SQL query it is important to remember that the order in which it is executed is not the same one in which it is written. In the case of the query that generates more records than expected, the following occurs:

  • It starts with the FROM clause and the intersection of the tables joined by the operator INNER JOIN is generated, generating an intermediate result that includes the records of both tables that meet condition t1.id_cod = t2.id_cod . If in t2 there is more than one record with the same value of id_cod as a record of t1 or vice versa, all records are included.

    For example if in t1 there is a record with id_cod = 1 and in t2 there are two records with id_cod = 1 then the intermediate result will have two records with t1.id_cod=1 and t2.id_cod=1 ; the record of t1 would be repeated for each record of t2 that has the same value of id_cod .

  • Once you have that intermediate result, it is filtered according to the conditions of clause WHERE . In this case, the records that do not meet the condition are deleted: t1.año = '2009' and t1.mes = '05' .

    This is where the root of the discrepancy is, since the filtering condition does not restrict the records in the t2 table. For each record in t1 that has año='2009' and mes='05' , all the t2 records that have the same value id_cod will be included regardless of the value that have año and mes in t2 .

  • Finally the result is projected according to the clause SELECT . In this case * that indicates to include in the final projection all the columns of the result, normally in the order defined in the structure of the tables and following the order of appearance of the tables in the clause FROM . In this case, first all the columns in the table t1 followed by all the columns in the table t2 .
  • answered by 11.02.2017 в 00:05

    It is because you are only doing the filter to a table and not both and your t2 has duplicates in the column id_cod, this query should give you the 80 thousand records

    SELECT *
    FROM BD1.dbo.MiTabla t1 (nolock) inner join
         BD2.dbo.MiTabla t2 (nolock)
                    on (t1.id_cod= t2.id_cod) 
    WHERE t1.año= '2009' and t1.mes='05' AND t2.año= '2009' and t2.mes='05'

    Probably id_cod is not a unique value, maybe to make it a unique value it has to be combined with the year

    answered by 21.06.2017 в 21:32