Copy files from a server to a PC Xampp


I have a carusel of images and videos that come from a request in JQuery and are hosted on a shared xXmpp server on the LAN

My problem is when the link is far away, the video is lost and I was wondering if there is any way to copy the files that are on the server to the PCs where they are being used.

I had thought of it this way:

 \File::copy('http://localhost/turnomatic/public/comercial/'.$c->ruta, '/Users/teknol/Desktop/comerciales'.$c->ruta );

Doing tests in local server works but passing it to the server and putting the ip of where the server is:

\File::copy(''.$c->ruta, '/Users/teknol/Desktop/comerciales'.$c->ruta );

I get this error:


failed to open stream: No such file or directory ErrorException in   Filesystem.php line 158:   copy (/Users/teknol/Desktop/comerciales/AguaLogo.png): failed to open   stream: No such file or directory

Thank you for your attention.

asked by Esteban Flores 15.02.2017 в 18:06

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