I need to obtain an ID or some kind of unique identifier of a mobile device where I install my APP, if someone knows how to do this I would greatly appreciate your help.
I need to obtain an ID or some kind of unique identifier of a mobile device where I install my APP, if someone knows how to do this I would greatly appreciate your help.
Yes, there are several ways:
The imei = The only problem is that it only allows in android since in ios there is no permission to access.
The mac = The problem would be in ios 8 that assigns a random mac.
The uuid = is a unique universal identifier of 16 bytes. It is the one that I recommend, it is compatible with android, ios and all platforms. First you need to install the cordova plugin
sudo cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.device
and then use it to get the id
$ionicPlatform.ready(function {
The only problem is that uuid changes once you have uninstalled and reinstalled, so far I have not found any way to generate a unique uuid. greetings