I have the following code to load my data into a datagrid of a form
Private Sub cargarGrid()
Dim conexion As New ConexionBD
Dim data As DataTable
dataGridVehiculos.ItemsSource = Nothing
data = conexion.mostrarDatosenGrid("VEHICULOS_EN_TRANSITO")
dataGridVehiculos.ItemsSource = data.DefaultView
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
Public Function mostrarDatosenGrid(ByVal tabla As String) As DataTable
Dim nuevaTabla As New DataTable
_adaptador.SelectCommand = New SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM " & tabla, _conexion)
_adaptador.SelectCommand.Connection = _conexion
Return nuevaTabla
Catch ex As Exception
Return Nothing
End Try
End Function
It works for me to load the data in the data grid, what did not work for me is that when selecting an item from the data grid it does not load me in the texbox of another form I have the following code.
Private Sub dataGridVehiculos_SelectionChanged(sender As Object, e As SelectionChangedEventArgs) Handles dataGridVehiculos.SelectionChanged
Dim tabla As DataRowView = DirectCast(dataGridVehiculos.SelectedItem, DataRowView)
registro.noTiquete = tabla.Item(1)
registro.fechaPesoVacio = tabla.Item(2)
registro.fechaPesoLleno = tabla.Item(3)
registro.placa = tabla(4)
registro.conductor.cedula = tabla.Item(5)
registro.conductor.nombre = tabla.Item(6)
registro.clienteProveedor.nombre = tabla.Item(7)
registro.productoMateriaPrima.nombre = tabla.Item(8)
registro.tara = tabla.Item(9)
registro.bruto = tabla.Item(10)
registro.neto = tabla.Item(11)
registro.noOrden = tabla.Item(12)
registro.origen.nombre = tabla.Item(13)
registro.destino.nombre = tabla.Item(14)
registro.observaciones = tabla.Item(15)
registro.taraAutorizado = tabla.Item(16)
registro.brutoAturorizado = tabla.Item(17)
registro.usuarioTransito = tabla.Item(18)
registro.usuarioProcesado = tabla.Item(19)
registro.rutaFotos = tabla.Item(20)
registro.horaPesoVacio = tabla.Item(21)
registro.horaPesoVacio = tabla.Item(22)
registro.noShipment = tabla.Item(23)
registro.noSello = tabla.Item(24)
registro.noR = tabla.Item(25)
registro.noContenedor = tabla.Item(26)
registro.planta.nombre = tabla.Item(28)
registro.transportadora.nombre = tabla.Item(29)
registro.pesoOrden = tabla.Item(30)
End Sub
I have not been able to know what I'm doing wrong, or if I have to do it in another way, the registration class is a class that contains the necessary fields to store the grid data and from there I can take that information to the texbox, the point is that the data is not moving from the grid to the fields of the class, could someone give me a hand to know exactly how to do it? this the xaml code.
<DataGrid Margin="-351.935,-15.119,-355.73,-61.323" ItemsSource="{Binding Items3}" CanUserSortColumns="True" CanUserAddRows="False" AutoGenerateColumns="False" md:DataGridAssist.CellPadding="13 8 8 8" md:DataGridAssist.ColumnHeaderPadding="8"></DataGrid>
Thanks for the help.