I have this code which adds a class randomly every millisecond to a random div. But it is a very slow process. Is there any way to randomly add the classes to several divs at the time, say 10 at a time and not one at a time?
$(document).ready(function () {
var $divs = $("circle");
var classes = ["animated fadeInRight", "animated fadeInLeft", "animated fadeInDown","animated fadeInUp","animated zoomInRight","animated zoomInLeft","animated zoomInDown","animated zoomInUp"];
var interval = setInterval(function () {
var $ds = $divs.not(".animated .fadeInLeft");
$ds.eq(Math.floor(Math.random() * $ds.length)).addClass(classes[~~(Math.random()*classes.length)]);
if ($ds.length == 1) {
}, 1);