Fill dataset with MongoDB and c #


How can I migrate this Oracle code to MongoDB? I'm using C # and the idea is to fill the Dataset with Mongo data.


Original Code

    private DataSet datos()
        DataSet dataSet;
        OracleCommand oracleCommand = conn.CreateCommand();
        DataSet dataSet1 = new DataSet("empDataSet");
            OracleDataAdapter oracleDataAdapter = new OracleDataAdapter();

            oracleCommand.CommandText = "SELECT * from table";
            oracleDataAdapter.Fill(dataSet1, "EmployeesData2");
            return dataSet1;
        catch (Exception exception1)
        { dataSet = null;       }
        return dataSet;

My Advances:

 protected static IMongoClient clienteLocal = new MongoClient();
  protected static IMongoDatabase dataLocal = clienteLocal.GetDatabase("database");
  var tabla = dataLocal.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("tabla");
            var filtro = Builders<BsonDocument>.Filter.Empty;
            var cursor = tabla.Find(filtro);
            var listado = cursor.ToList();
            foreach (var item in listado)
             //Se sopone que ya esta listo el query para mostrar todos los datos existentes, pero como se llena el data?' o existe alguna manera equivalente
asked by Rastalovely 24.01.2017 в 01:07

1 answer


If you have an entity you can convert it to datatable with the help of CopyToDataTable

Creating a DataTable From a Query (LINQ to DataSet)

Analyze the section "Creating a Custom CopyToDataTable Method" you will see that it is simple to use

answered by 25.01.2017 в 03:30